The Price On "Sanitarium Yeast Spread Marmite" Just Dropped - Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Hurry to Get Discount Price of Your Order!
The price on the bestselling Sanitarium Yeast Spread Marmite just dropped a few days ago. After a ton of research I found that Amazon store is the best & lowest price as I can find from online stores. Now the prices is lower than before. Press button below to check now before price up ! Enjoy shopping :)
- Marmite's got more to it than simply great taste. It contains iron, folate and other essential B vitamins - it's a good vegetarian source of vitamin B12, has virtually no fat and is low in sugar.
Marmite's got more to it than simply great taste. It contains iron, folate and other essential B vitamins - it's a good vegetarian source of vitamin B12, has virtually no fat and is low in sugar. Ingredients: Yeast (80%), Sugar, Salt, Mineral Salt (508), Wheat Maltodextrin, Colour (Caramel III), Herbs, Spices, Vitamins (Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Folate, B12), Mineral (Iron). Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin Marmite is a rich source Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin. These all have a key role to play in converting food to energy for your body to use. Thiamin (B1) also helps to keep your nervous system working properly. We need riboflavin (B2) for healthy skin and eyes and niacin (B3) for growth. Folate Marmite is a great source of Folate. Folate helps to form all body cells and may prevent neural tube defects in unborn children. This is especially important before and during pregnancy. Vitamin B12 Marmite is a rich source of B12. Vitamin B12 is involved in making DNA and the formation of red blood cells. B12 is only found in animal products (e.g. meat, eggs, fish and dairy products) so vegetarians need to look for alternative supplies of B12, like Marmite. The B12 in Marmite is not made with animal products, it is a vegetarian product. Iron Marmite is a source of Iron. In your body iron becomes part of haemoglobin and myoglobin. Haemoglobin transports oxygen around the body in the blood and myoglobin helps your muscles to store oxygen. It's important for growing kids and is vital for brain development in infancy. Read more customer reviews ...
Cheap Sanitarium Yeast Spread Marmite. Compare Sanitarium Yeast SpreadFast & Super Saver Shipping. Hurry to Get Discount Price of Your Order!.